2022 APCE Officer Election Announcement

We are pleased to announce that the Rev. Kathryn Campbell has been elected by the Leadership Council of APCE to serve as President Elect beginning in 2022.

We are also pleased to announce that the Rev. Gord Brown of the Presbyterian Church in Canada has been elected by the Leadership Council of APCE to serve as APCE Secretary for three years beginning in 2022.

Rev. Dr. Kathryn Campbell

Rev. Dr. Kathryn Campbell


Rev. Dr. Kathryn Campbell (pronounced “Camp-bell”, not “Cam-bull”) is Pastor at Fellowship Presbyterian Church in Greensboro, North Carolina.

As Pastor, Kathryn has worked in all areas of the church’s life including developing programming for all areas of Christian Education (from birth through adults), worship leadership, preaching, pastoral care, planning fellowship activities, and working closely with the church’s preschool.

She has been a member of APCE for almost 20 years. She has served as Treasurer of APCE’s North Central Region and is currently serving out her second term on the Governance Ministry Team where she serves as secretary. While a part of the organization, she has helped organize the Annual Event’s Multicultural Breakfast, served on the Diversity Task Force, and presented workshops at previous Annual Events.

When she is not doing “all things ministry”, she spends time with her husband, Austin, and their two children – Avis (8) and Archer (18 months).

Rev. Gord Brown

Rev. Gord Brown


Rev. Gord Brown has been a member of APCE since 2010 during his MDiv studies at Knox College, University of Toronto. He has been privileged to serve in leadership of APCE on the Administrative Team, the Endowment Team and the Diversity Task Force. Gord serves part-time in the pulpit of St. James Presbyterian Church in Central Elgin, Ontario.

Gord is a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto and a pastor in rural Southwestern Ontario. He has served the Presbyterian Church in Canada as a ruling elder, Presbyter and Commissioner to Synod and General Assembly. His ministry has been deeply rooted in Christian formation as a volunteer Church School teacher and coordinator and his current interest is in adult education and preaching.