Certification Course

Reformed Theology

    December 12, 2022, 6:00pm – 9:00pm EST
        Synchronous online session on Zoom
    Monday, January 23 – Wednesday, January 25
        In-person session in Birmingham, Alabama
Fee: $300

This Educator Certification Course in Reformed Theology is designed to provide Presbyterian Christian Educators with a clear understanding of the Reformed tradition as it is expressed within the PC(USA) and in other local, national, and global communities of faith. It also invites students to identify distinctive theological convictions within the Reformed tradition and make powerful connections between these convictions and their educational ministries in the church and the world today. The course examines several significant movements, confessions, individuals, and works and it sharpens comprehension of how to effectively educate others in ways that resonate within their specific cultural and theological communities.

Registration ends Friday, December 9 so that participants may be present for the Zoom class on Monday, December 12.

Class Sessions:
1. December 12, 2022: Synchronous online session on Zoom;
6:00 to 9:00 pm EST
2. January 23, 2023: In-person session in Birmingham, AL;
3:00 to 6:00 pm CST
3. January 24, 2023: In-person session in Birmingham, AL;
9:00 am to 12:00 pm CST
4. January 24, 2023: In-person session in Birmingham, AL;
3:00 to 6:00 pm CST
5. January 25, 2023: In-person session in Birmingham, AL;
9:00 am to 12:00 pm CST

Rev. William Yoo, Ph.D.

Rev. William Yoo, Ph.D.


William is Associate Professor of American Religious and Cultural History and the Director of the Master of Divinity program at Columbia Theological Seminary. He is the author of American Missionaries, Korean Protestants; The Changing Shape of World Christianity, 1884-1965; What Kind of Christianity: A History of Slavery and Anti-Black Racism in the Presbyterian Church. He is also the editor of The Presbyterian Experience in the United States: A Sourcebook.

William graduated from the University of Pennsylvania (BSE), Westminster Theological Seminary (MDiv), and Emory University (ThM, PhD) . He resides in Decatur, Georgia, with his spouse, two children, and two cats.


Please contact Billie Sutter, APCE’s Certification Course Coordinator, at billiepsutter@gmail.com.