What are some ways I can arrange for a Legacy Gift to be given to the APCE Endowment from my estate?
Becoming an APCE Legacy Partner is a way to ensure that Christian educators are connected, enriched, and empowered to carry out their educational ministries for years to come. Legacy Partners make arrangements now to include APCE in their estate plans. Some of the ways to do this:
A Gift in Your Will
You can designate an amount or a percentage of your estate that you wish to give to APCE. An attorney may or may not be necessary. A codicil (signed by you and two witnesses) can be added to an existing will.
Charitable Gift Annuity
A charitable gift annuity provides you with a dependable source of income during your lifetime, then becomes an asset that supports the work of APCE after your death.
Beneficiary Assignments
You may have assets that you no longer need or may no longer need at a point in the future. You can name APCE as the beneficiary of a bank account or a certificate of deposit, for example, while retaining the flexibility to change this designation if circumstances dictate.
Life Insurance
Life insurance is often purchased for a specific use, such as to provide for a family’s living expenses if the primary breadwinner dies or to cover the cost of a college education. Once that need has been met, you can request a change of beneficiary form and make the policy payable to APCE upon your death.
Retirement Savings
Retirement savings may be among the most heavily taxed assets in an estate. To avoid these taxes on your heirs, you may choose to donate all or a portion of your retirement savings to APCE.
Is a legacy gift to be included in my will?
It can be. It also can be included in your estate plan, which includes your will and any other documents (trusts, insurance policies, bank accounts, CDs) that assign beneficiaries.
Which of the ways require legal help to set up?
We recommend that you consult a financial advisor, a tax professional, or an attorney to help you decide which option is best for you.
Not all options require legal help.
What information is needed from APCE to set up a Legacy Gift?
The name, address, contact person, and federal tax ID of APCE:
Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE)
c/o CLA, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
901 North Glebe Road, Suite 200
Arlington, VA 22203-1853
Tax ID: 13-3078184
The contact person is Mary Taneti, APCE Treasurer (treasurer@apcenet.org)
How do I go about designating a Legacy Gift to APCE?
Go to the APCE website (apcenet.org). Under the Support tab, click Endowment Fund. There you will find the “APCE Endowment: Become a Legacy Partner” form. By filling out the form and submitting it, you indicate your plans to leave a Legacy Gift to APCE. In doing so, you become a Legacy Partner.
Do I need to tell APCE the amount?
No, you do not.
How will my heirs know of my Legacy Gift… where to send it, whom to notify?
It is important that your heirs, and the executor of your will, know of your plans. Keep any estate-related documents, signed notes, and instructions with your will, and tell the executor and/or heir where you keep these documents.
Is a legacy gift tax deductible?
Since APCE is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, Legacy gifts are not subject to federal estate taxes and thus reduce the tax burden of your estate.
Here is where it is helpful to check with a financial advisor as the options vary.
Is a legacy gift a one-time gift? Annual?
It is a one-time gift. Also known as a bequest or planned gift, it is made when people are making decisions about what is to be done with their estate after they die. APCE also welcomes annual gifts.
Can I make a gift anonymously?
You can remain anonymous; however, we encourage you to share that you have become a Legacy Partner. It can encourage others to include APCE in their estate plans. Plus, we are aiming for at least 50 Legacy Partners by our 50th anniversary Annual Event in Chicago, 2022.
By becoming a Legacy Partner your donation to APCE will enable us to expand our work in the following areas:
- APCE Member Gatherings and Events
- Written and online publications, such as the Advocate, an online journal and Alert, the email newsletter.
- Scholarships for first-timers, small-church members, global and multicultural attendees to attend the Annual Event and Regional Events
- Support the work of APCE within our denominational structures to raise the status and standards for those engaged in educational ministry
- Enable APCE to provide certification courses to help train those who are called to professional ministry in faith formation.
- Building and Maintaining a curated website that provides relevant and thoughtful resources for Educators, churches and members.
TPF has resources to guide you here: https://www.tpf.org/solutions/legacy-solutions-for-individuals/overview/
If you would like help with your bequest, the APCE contact at the Presbyterian Foundation is:
Robert Hay