2020 Story Booth Sign Up


Sign up to video record, individually or with a friend, your memories of and dreams for APCE as it approaches its 50th anniversary.

This is Friday and Saturday in M-Marion.

Photos <> Videos


Check you phone /camera for 5-6 of your best APCE images.

Share them for use by the 50th Anniversary Task Force:

  1. Email smaller files to: apce50th@apcenet.org
  2. ​Upload large photos to the Dropbox:

Photos: http://bit.ly/APCE50thPhotos
Videos: http://bit.ly/APCE50thVideos1

The original printed videos link has been changed to the one above.


APCE wishes to thank the following organizations and entities for their generous support:


APCE wishes to acknowledge the following organizations and entities as our current vendor partners: