Youth Director
Lower Providence Presbyterian Church
Eagleville, PA

Lower Providence Presbyterian Church is a 740-member church located in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Our mission is to be an intergenerational church seeking Jesus together and shining His light from this hill. We aspire to be welcoming to all, growing in our faith, and serving our community. This position is part of a dynamic and fun staff and volunteer team that has been newly organized around our mission.

LPPC has a long history of healthy and strong youth ministry. We see our youth ministry program expanding even more in the next few years as our children’s ministry has seen exponential growth, and current students will be moving into junior high. We believe youth aren’t just the future of our church but are a vital part of our church in the present.

LPPC is looking for a full-time youth director to oversee our ministry to youth by creating environments that welcome students into community, foster faith growth, and offer opportunities to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus.