Educator Certification
What is a Certified Christian Educator in the PC(USA)?
Christian educators are persons called by God to a ministry of education who demonstrate their faith in and love for Jesus Christ, are dedicated to the life of faith and are serious in purpose, honest in character and joyful in service. It is expected that Christian educators be persons with skills and training in biblical interpretation, Reformed theology, human development, religious education theory and practice, and the polity, programs and mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Download information about the educator certification process and connect to the online application process here.
For complete information about the process of Educator Certification, courses offered, contacts, and application process, click on the link below which will take you to the Presbyterian Church (USA) website. The certification process is maintained and controlled by the PCUSA and not APCE.
APCE Billie Sutter Volunteer Certification Course Coordinator
- What will a Certification Course Coordinator do?
The Coordinator will work with the Educator Certification Committee of the PCUSA and the Advocacy ministry team of APCE to organize the yearly in-person or online certification courses sponsored by APCE in accordance with the Educator Certification Committee. - The Coordinator will work with the above-mentioned entities to secure approved instructors and to ensure that the standards for certification courses, as defined, are met.
- The Coordinator will serve as host and support to those teaching the courses and to those taking the courses.
Educator Certification Courses
There are a total of seven course areas required for educator certification (Presbyterian Polity and Presbyterian Program and Mission are typically taught together as one course). Although taught by a variety of instructors and in different settings, there is standard content for each. These standards for each course area are available here.
Educator Certification Readiness Summary
In order to successfully complete the requirements for educator certification in the PC(USA), educators should be prepared to meet these expectations prior to beginning the educator certification exam.
Approved Courses
These courses have been approved by the Educator Certification Committee as meeting the requirements for educator certification:
APCE Polity Course Winter 2025
APCE Polity Course Winter 2025
In partnership with the Office of Christian Formation of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, the Association of Partners in Christian Education (APCE) is pleased to offer an online course in Presbyterian
More Classes at: