Accepting the Love and Care We Give

Accepting the Love and Care We Give

Jesus does not want us to use our busyness and exhaustion as a badge of honor.  Easter reminds us that he is the one who saves and in return asks us to love God and to love people.  As we do that work, let us make sure that the love and care we give includes loving ourselves.

Sparks and Seeds:  Celebrating Pentecost and the Growing Time

Sparks and Seeds: Celebrating Pentecost and the Growing Time

After the Party After every big celebration comes the crash. Party guests go home and we collapse on the couch with a headache. The special dinner that took days to plan and prepare is devoured in an hour, leaving only a kitchen full of dirty dishes. The warmth of...

Living the Faith at Home

As many of us continue with worship and/or Christian education at home, The Advocate Ministry Team thought these perspectives from Lib Caldwell, long-time APCE leader and friend, provide a timely reminder on the value and importance of nurturing faith at home – it’s...

Labor Day Sabbath

Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work—you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident...

Permission Granted for Self-Care

by Kathy L. Dawson I have been observing the amazing work of educators for many years now. What I have seen is people who are creative and resilient in the face of change. In this time, we have been on a steep learning curve regarding online ways of continuing and...

Maundy Thursday: Ideas for Worship at Home

by British Hyrams Maundy Thursday is the first of three Holy Week rituals following Palm Sunday and culminating on Easter Sunday. Maundy means “commandment.” Maundy Thursday acknowledges the new commandment that Jesus gave his disciples at the feast of the Last...
From the Archives: Teach Us to Pray

From the Archives: Teach Us to Pray

By: Debra Rienstra During Lent we will be reposting some excellent articles from our archives aimed at supporting you, the Educator, during this season of reflection, prayer and spiritual renewal. You may find a new idea or two for future Lenten programming, as well....
From the Archives: Teach Us to Pray

From the Archives: Living Better, Not Bitter

By: Debby Madden During Lent we will be reposting some excellent articles from our archives aimed at supporting you, the Educator, during this season of reflection, prayer and spiritual renewal. You may find a new idea or two for future Lenten programming, as well....
Advent 4 and Christmas: Love

Advent 4 and Christmas: Love

By: Joyce Vance Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas: We blow out the candle of fear and light the candle of love. Lectionary texts: Isaiah 9:2-7; Luke 2:1-20 A child has been born! During the time of preparation, expectant parents have both joy and fear; hope and...
Advent 4 and Christmas: Love

Advent 3: Advent Joy

By: Tammy Wiens Third Sunday of Advent: We blow out the candle of bitterness and light the candle of joy. Lectionary texts: Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; Luke 1:46-55 Mary’s song in Luke 1 is known as The Magnificat. This title grows out of a Latin tradition where titles...