Jun 28, 2023 |
I started praying and praying intentionally. I said to God, “I’ll do whatever you want me to do with whatever time I have left on earth. The answer I got was simple and clear… “Go do what you love and do it to help people who are going in a different direction in life and who need a second chance.” I’ve been a tattoo artist for 29 years and I truly love creating art to illustrate people’s stories in tattoos.
Jun 11, 2023 |
How do we faithfully answer God’s call when we don’t know how to hear it? This 7-step process may start your church on the road to discerning your unique mission.
May 28, 2023 |
Pardon our dust while we create something new and exciting!
Sep 9, 2022 |
This summer, The Advocate has been highlighting resources – our Top Five Favorites to support and sustain faith formation and ministry. We close this series thinking about self-care. How do we nurture our own faith? What activities have nurtured our soul in this past year? The four of us at the Advocate share our self-care and faith nurturing, and we invite you to fill in Number 5. What has been the thing that has nurtured your soul?