Writing for the Soul: an APCE Spiritual Practice Workshop
Mondays April 15, 22, 29
2-3:30 pm Eastern
Retired APCE Members: $15
APCE Members: $20
Non-members: $35
Come spend some time with fellow APCE members using writing as a spiritual practice. With inspiration and prompts from poetry, images, objects, and more, we’ll explore our memories and imagination. We’ll pay attention to our words, to God, and to one another as we play and pray on the page. In this online Eastertide experience designed to help you fill your well again, we’ll write a lot, and read and share a little. No writing experience is necessary, and grammar and spelling don’t count.
Bio: Rev. Julie Hester is a pastor and writer living in North Carolina, and a grateful APCE member. She leads in-person and online writing workshops for faith and community groups, specializing in writing for healing and writing as a spiritual practice. You can subscribe to her free weekly writing prompts at https://writingincompany.substack.com/
Register here: https://apcenet.org/writing-for-the-soul-class/