Priscilla Andre-Colton
I chose to be a Legacy Partner with APCE because APCE has been so important to me both personally and professionally. The relationships I have forged with my APCE colleagues have sustained and inspired my ministry and my life. The resources from APCE have significantly impacted my ministry in the churches I served. I included APCE in my will with a designated gift to be used in whatever way best serves APCE at the time. APCE has given me so much it only seems right to give back in this way.
Julia Boyce
APCE has been a part of my life and ministry for over 30 years. Through APCE I have found colleagues in ministry and friendships that have lasted a lifetime. I have learned so much and been given the opportunity to share what I know with others. By becoming a Legacy Partner, it is my prayer that APCE will be around for many more years to provide ministry support to countless others.
Judy Ferguson
I’m Judy Ferguson. I helped to start APCE’s Endowment Fund some 25 years ago, because we thought it was so important for our organization to be able to fulfill its mission to connect, enrich, empower, and sustain church educators in the years ahead.
I became a Legacy Partner when I discovered that I could name APCE as the beneficiary of my death benefit from the Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (USA). I just went online and got the ‘change of beneficiary’ form and filled it out and sent it back to them. It was so simple!
I encourage you to consider this a means to sustaining our beloved APCE!
Ginny Ward Holderness
I have always wanted to leave something in my will for the future of Christian Education, but couldn’t decide to which institution and how to do it. My financial advisor recommended a Legacy Income Trust which pays me dividends while I’m alive. Then at my death, the trust goes to my church, Union Presbyterian Seminary, and APCE! Perfect solution. And I can celebrate as an APCE Legacy Partner during APCE’s 50th anniversary.
Carl Horton
Almost 20 years ago I met with someone to plan my estate. I was asked what organizations mattered most to me. It was then and there that I made APCE a part of my legacy planning and, still today, I couldn’t be happier about that decision. I invite you to join me as an APCE Legacy Partner.
Linda LeBron
APCE transformed me from a naturally good Sunday School teacher into a professional church educator. The rich networks born at annual events still nurture me in retirement. My annual gifts to the Endowment are a discipline in gratitude for me. My kids know, and my Trust Portfolio includes, my wish that APCE receive a last gift from my estate. It’s good for my heart!
Forrest Palmer
APCE and APCE members have been instrumental in my career development, networking and support. I have included APCE as a portion of my will. I am so grateful for APCE!
Beth Peak Thompson
APCE friends and events have brought me joy and inspiration for my entire career. I have learned from, been amazed by, and laughed with talented educators who serve Jesus Christ and the church faithfully through APCE. I am thrilled to be a part of continuing APCE’s ministry into the future by being a Legacy Partner.
Jann Treadwell
APCE has been a gift to me, from equipping me to be a better educator, to offering a host of new friendships and colleagues, to supporting the educator’s role in the church. The Legacy Partner opportunity is a way for me to give back so that others can experience what I have.