Advocate Podcast Recommendation List
Podcast Recommendation List from Facebook crowd sourcing, this was posted in the APCE Advocate Issue No. 2. APCE Advocate Podcast Resource
Who wants to be conventional anyway?
I started praying and praying intentionally. I said to God, “I’ll do whatever you want me to do with whatever time I have left on earth. The answer I got was simple and clear… “Go do what you love and do it to help people who are going in a different direction in life and who need a second chance.” I’ve been a tattoo artist for 29 years and I truly love creating art to illustrate people’s stories in tattoos.
I didn’t grow up going to church. My mom is Jewish. And to my dad, Christmas and Easter were enough. So, it took a while longer than the kids I would eventually join in youth group for me to understand what faith was, exactly. When I started going to church with a friend in middle […]