How can educational technologies help us deepen faith and create space for the in-breaking of the Holy Spirit? Which technologies should we use? How do we integrate them into our ongoing ministries? How do we decide between distance, hybrid and in-person teaching? Let’s explore these questions, a host of educational technologies, and sharpen our skills with a hands-on project. Choose a day or season in the liturgical year and bring an idea for creating an experience to enrich faith. We’ll spend the morning learning and practicing educational technologies as you work on your own project. A two-hour break mid-day will allow time for lunch, continued personal work on your idea, and coaching. We’ll finish out the afternoon by sharing our work and learning from one another. Bring your computer, your ideas, and your sense of possibility and let’s see what we can create together.
This Pre-event is underwritten by the Center for Excellence in Christian Education at Union Presbyterian Seminary.
Fee: $25
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Rebecca Davis
Rebecca Davis is Associate Professor of Christian Education, Director of the MACE program and the Center for Excellence in Christian Education at Union Presbyterian Seminary. She is a Teaching Elder and a Certified Educator in the PCUSA. For over thirty years, she has embodied her teaching ministry in congregations and beyond. She now teaches those preparing for leadership and advocacy in the church and world. Her passion for child advocacy led her to serve on staff of the Children’s Defense Fund and work nationally for justice for children and their families. She was named APCE’s 2018 Education of the Year.