Pre-Event: Educator Certification Course – Worship and Sacraments (continued)

Pre-Event: Educator Certification Course – Worship and Sacraments
Dates and Times: Monday, January 27, 1:00pm – 6:00pm; Tuesday, January 28, 9:00am – noon and 1:00pm – 6:00pm; Wednesday, January 30, 9:00am – noon (All times are CST.)
Cost: $225

Course name: Worship and Sacraments

Course Description: This course explores the theology and practice of Christian worship and sacraments from a Reformed perspective and the relationships between worship, sacraments, and education in a congregational context. This course aims to enhance the learners’ participation in, leadership of, preparation for, and teaching about worship and sacraments.

Learning Outcomes of the Course:
By successful completion of this course, learners will be able to:
1. Explain and evaluate a reformed liturgical and sacramental theology.
2. Develop reformed liturgies that respond to the needs of worshippers and the context of the congregation.
3. Develop learning experiences around the teaching of worship and sacraments in the Reformed tradition.

Course Schedule:
January 15: Introduction to the Course online via Zoom (for all participants)

In person prior to 2025 APCE Annual Event in Memphis, TN at the Peabody Hotel, and hybrid participants online –
Monday, January 27: 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Tuesday, January 28: 900 am – noon and 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Wednesday, January 29: 9:00 am – noon

Final assessment due February 8: Design a Reformed worship service of the word and sacrament for an Easter Service in which a group of middle schoolers will be baptized and received as new church members.

Required texts:
1. PCUSA Constitution: Book of Confessions and Book of Order (particularly Directory for Worship)
2. The Presbyterian Book of Common Worship.
3. Duck, Ruth C. Worship for the Whole People of God. Second edition, with contributed appendix from David Gambrell. Louisville, Kentucky: WJK Press, 2021.
4. The instructor will provide additional chapters, articles, and essays, as well as videos.

Cost: $325

Rev. Dr. Lis Valle-Ruiz, Assistant Professor of Homiletics and Worship and Director of Community Worship Life at McCormick Theological Seminary
Rev. Lis Valle-Ruiz is Assistant Professor of Homiletics and Worship and Director of Community Worship Life at McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL. She earned her PhD in Homiletics and Liturgics from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, where she also studied gender and sexuality. Her research interests lie at the intersection of preaching, worship, and performance studies. Rev. Valle received a ThM in Homiletics from Princeton Theological Seminary and an MDiv from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. She also holds a JD and a BA in Education from the University of Puerto Rico. Theater is her life-long passion.

For questions or further information: Contact APCE Certification Course Coordinator Billie Sutter at


Location: Grand Ballroom D


Zoom Link: