Accepting the Love and Care We Give

Accepting the Love and Care We Give

Jesus does not want us to use our busyness and exhaustion as a badge of honor.  Easter reminds us that he is the one who saves and in return asks us to love God and to love people.  As we do that work, let us make sure that the love and care we give includes loving ourselves.

Five Favorite Ways to Nurture Your Faith and Care for Yourself

This summer, The Advocate has been highlighting resources – our Top Five Favorites to support and sustain faith formation and ministry. We close this series thinking about self-care. How do we nurture our own faith? What activities have nurtured our soul in this past year? The four of us at the Advocate share our self-care and faith nurturing, and we invite you to fill in Number 5. What has been the thing that has nurtured your soul?