What’s Next for APCE?
New Officers!
This is an exciting time for our beloved APCE, and you can be a part of shaping the future of this organization!
First step?
Look through each of the officer’s responsibilities.
Second step?
The Transition Timeline

Q & A’s on Next Steps
Q: Who is the Nominating Committee?
A: During this time of transition, the members of the APCE Strategic Implementation Team are serving in this role.
Q: Who is elected and who is appointed?
A: Co-President, Administrative Officer, Communications Officer, and 3 At-Large members of the Nominating Committee will be elected by the membership during the first week in December, 2024. Mission Team Moderators and the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Moderators will be appointed before the 2025 Annual Event.
Q: May I complete more than 1 application?
A: Yes! In fact, it would be encouraged since different gifts and skills are needed for different positions.
Q: Will I be notified whether I am chosen?
A: Yes, all applications will receive an acknowledgement by April 1, 2025. Keep in mind the Nominating Committee might be considering your application(s) for a different position rather than the one you applied for.
Q: May I complete an application after the Annual Event in Memphis?
A: Yes, Members of the Mission Teams and Members of the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Advisory Council will be appointed by April 1. HOWEVER, the Annual Event Mission Team is seeking 2 members for appointment before the 2025 Annual Event
Q: Can I nominate someone I know would be a terrific candidate for these offices?
A: Because of the narrow window of time to staff the leadership positions for the new structure, we are asking for potential leaders to complete and submit the applications. Help the Nominating Committee by reaching out to those folks and inviting them to complete an application. Let them know you are willing to serve as a reference for them.
Applications are closed for the Executive Director position
The deadline for applying to serve as the APCE Executive Director closed on Friday, November 15, 2024. The process of identifying the best candidate is ongoing.
Still curious about the role of the APCE Executive Director, and the responsibilities of that position? You can read over the job description via the link below.
How do these pieces of APCE’s new structure fit together?
APCE has been working for a number of years, through its Strategic Planning Task Force, to consider how to best meet future opportunities and challenges, while remaining faithful to its Mission, Vision, and Values. In June of 2024, the Coordinating Council approved a new Strategic Plan. On October 15, 2024, in a meeting of the Corporation, APCE’s membership approved new Bylaws, which put a new organizational structure in place. If you would like to know more about the Strategic Plan, follow the link below.