Children’s Ministry that Forms Faith: Abandoning the Entertainment Model – FULL

*This workshop has reached maximum capacity and is no longer available for additional registrations.

We all want church to be fun and enjoyable for children. But what happens when our goal in children’s ministry is to entertain instead of to form faith? What effect do entertainment models and curricula have on children’s long-term faith formation? In this workshop, we’ll explore how to form faith in your children’s ministry through the following:

  • Engaging the history of children’s ministry with particular attention to what Scottie May refers to as the, “Carnival Model,” and exploring her suggested alternatives to this model.
  • Exploring how theology matters when choosing children’s ministry curriculum and how various curricula views children and their capacity for deep conversations about faith.
  • Examining a variety of curricula, evaluating whether it emphasizes forming faith in children or represents more of an entertainment-based approach.
  • Experiencing activities that encourage faith formation as we try out elements, such as wondering questions, that are included in faith-forming curricula.

Participants will be introduced to a variety of resources, including Sunday school and children’s worship   materials, that create space for children not just to learn about God, but to encounter God. It is our hope that participants will leave fully equipped to create children’s ministry spaces that form lifelong faith in their children.

Room: Grand Ballroom E

Speaker: Jill Benson