Dismantling Transactional Ministry

Taking seriously the call to be Matthew 25 people, the church has been investing in ministries that feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and visit the prisoner for as long as we can remember. However in many cases, after years of good and faithful ministry the church has fallen into transactional rhythms. Historically, these transactional relationships have created inequitable power dynamics, but Christ has called for the dismantling of power. As the church enters into a new season of reformation, the call to shift the paradigm of ministry on the margins is more essential than ever. Join us as we wrestle with the barriers that make change difficult, share stories of the undeniable movement of the Spirit on the margins, and brainstorm ways to initiate sustainable and equitable change in the church.

Room: 3rd floor - East D