Finding the GIFTS: Flipping the Paradigm for Intergenerational Worship Planning and Creative Worship Arts

What would it look like to flip our current mindset for worship planning to operate more out of a mindset of abundance, rather than scarcity? What if we began by finding the gifts in “what is,” right here, right now? At the heart of being intergenerational is a practice of receiving with gratitude each and every person as a unique gift from God. As we plan worship, how would this fundamental practice help us flip the tables, opening us to a new paradigm, when it comes to finding the gifts of our faith communities, and designing and planning creative worship arts?
In this interactive, collaborative space, we will discuss flipping the worship planning paradigm in these ways:

  • Flipping from a program-oriented design process toward spiritually formative practice-mindset for both worship designers and participants
  • Flipping from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset when assessing worship gifts and practices
  • Flipping from a closed position to an open position, utilizing my method of “Finding the GIFTS” (an assessment tool that helps teams be more open to finding and including the various gifts of their communities)
  • Flipping from a top-down (1 or 2 leading) approach to an empowerment model for worship (leadership of many).

We will also brainstorm how we might practically take these ideas into our own unique communities, seeking to create a collaborative “wrestling” with ways we might flip the tables in our own worship communities. Come ready to discuss, create, share, collaborate.

Room: Barclay