Heathy Youth Workers = Healthy Churches

Are you wondering if there is such a thing as a work – life balance in youth ministry? Burn-out and turnover is high in youth ministry positions, which is bad for youth workers and the congregations they serve. The health of those entrusted with guiding and nurturing the youth of our congregations directly impacts the overall health and vibrancy of church communities. The Presbyterian Youth Workers Association (PYWA) maintains that Healthy Youth Workers = Healthy Churches. That premise helps us understand that the pursuit of a healthy ministry becomes not only a personal endeavor, but also a communal responsibility. Join us for an empowering session where we’ll unpack five essential pillars of healthy youth ministry…

Healthy Advocacy: Discover how (and what) to advocate for job benefits tailored to the unique needs of youth workers, and how that can enhance retention, morale, and effectiveness in ministry.

Healthy Boundaries: Learn effective techniques for establishing boundaries between work and personal life, preventing burnout, and sustaining long-term passion for serving youth.

Healthy Schedules: Develop strategies for crafting balanced schedules that prioritize ministry commitments and personal well-being, ensuring that youth workers are operating at their fullest potential.

Healthy Spirit: Create space for spiritual practices and a rich faith life beyond work, enabling youth workers to approach ministry with wholeness, authenticity, and resilience.

Healthy Community: Cultivate supportive relationships and promote vitality beyond our congregations, providing a healthy outlet outside of the church community.

This workshop is intended for BOTH youth workers and those in ministry with youth workers.

Room: Magnolia