Palestine and Israel 101

This workshop seeks to provide a historical overview, basic tools for engagement, a shared common language, and information on the current reality of the situation on the ground in Israel/Palestine –  the land and people of the Christian, Muslim and Jewish faiths.

The goals of the Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the PCUSA are to:
1) Encourage involvement of individuals, congregations, presbyteries, task groups and other entities in the search for a just peace in Israel/Palestine.
2) Educate the church about the facts on the ground.
3) Find constructive avenues to change conditions that erode humanity of both Israelis and Palestinians, especially those living under colonial occupation in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza.

Bring your questions, curiosity, and an open heart and mind. Leave with a toolkit for ways to move out of this space in prophetic action.

Room: Magnolia