Stewardship and Faith Formation in the Church: Resources and Perspectives for All Generations

“To know that with all that we are and all that we have we are God’s stewards is the answer to a particularly deep yearning of the time in which we live…”  ~Hanns Lilje
Stewardship is defined as the cultivation and nurture of the abundant gifts given to us by a gracious God, and the generous use of those gifts for the common good. Those gifts include our time, our relationships, our work, our skills, our space and yes…our money.
Jesus talked about money…a lot. Yet the church is reluctant and hesitant to have those same conversations, often relegating them to one Sunday of the year in the name of “making” the budget.
How can we have vital conversations about faith and money that are biblically and theologically informed, and that engage church members in this cultural moment?
How can we involve all ages in the church in a healthy and hopeful discussion about faith and money, providing us perspectives and tools for everyday lives, within and beyond the church walls?
This interactive workshop will begin with an exploration of a few key biblical and theological concepts, and then move to offering practical resources (focusing on worship and education) that will speak to children, youth and adults. Come to learn, and come to share.

Room: Brinkley