1 John 3:18. Let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.
We’re interested in co-creating a more peaceful world, but how do we do that with only an hour together on Sundays? The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship can help!
This workshop engages congregations of the peace-curious, those already steeped in justice work, and those seeking a roadmap to move from book club to actionable change. Together, we’ll reimagine mission alongside any congregation of any size and demographics as we seek to take seriously the call to follow Christ in the path of resisting violence.
This workshop offers an introduction to three core resources from the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship to equip congregations for the journey from theory to action. Resources include gun violence prevention ministry, engaging conscientious objection to violence for all ages, and moving from mission trips to accompaniment journeys, all as expressions of our faith. This workshop is interactive and invites participants to explore the opportunities and challenges in their particular community as we consider our collective calling to be peacemakers.
Unboxing the Church: Becoming Courageous Congregations
Room: Landsdowne
Speaker: Laurie Lyter Bright