A Holy Week Prayer for Educators
Lord, we are ready to walk with you to Easter.
Unless we are not.
We have services planned, events prepared.
Unless we do not.
Our hearts are ready for the up and down, the cross and tomb, the sorrow and joy.
Unless they are not.
However we come to this week, you meet us.
Whether we are finished with all the many tasks it takes to manage Holy Week, or we are not, you walk with us through it.
Take all our efforts, all our plans, all our tasks, and make them fruitful.
Take all our wish-I-hads, our why-won’t theys, and maybe-next-years, and release us from carrying them into the week.
Empty our baggage. Open our hands from the tight grip we have on this week. Clear our calendars and our schedules enough to make room for you. Open our eyes to see signs of resurrection. Open our ears to hear the news of your rising again.
Speak to us sometime this week, and remind us that Easter does not depend on us.
It’s all you, God.
And we are grateful beyond measure.
In the name of your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, we pray.
Julie Hester is Associate Pastor for Children and their Families at Myers Park Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina.