By: Martha Miller and Jo Morris
“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Matthew 25:35).
Christ calls us all to the risky business of hospitality. To welcome the stranger, and the strange, asks us to be vulnerable, to extend ourselves to offer not only what we have but who we are. But this risk is taken in faith, because that stranger might be an angel, a messenger of God!
APCE welcomes you to discover the Boundless Hospitality of the Annual Event.
The APCE Annual Event will offer a wide variety of experiences and activities that will open the door to a deeper understanding of hospitality in all our ministry contexts. The theme of Boundless Hospitality will be woven throughout, and each experience will be augmented with a wealth of helpful resources.
Worship will be both imaginative and vibrant and will engage all the senses. APCE is pleased to host two inspiring preachers: J. Herbert Nelson (PCUSA) and Sandra Van Opstal (CRC), who will bring the gospel of hospitality to the worshipping body. Musicians Twain’s Jackrabbit will lead us in a unique blend of faithful music for the Annual Event worship experience. We will engage in a number of hospitality rites as a worshipping community.
The event schedule also includes a wealth of creative workshops focusing on the nuts and bolts of educational ministry. But there is truly something for everyone. If you are a rookie educator or a seasoned veteran, you will find both broad theoretical perspectives and practical applications to assist your ministry.
And new this year, guests will engage in two mini-plenary sessions: Tying Your Ministry to Hospitality. Guests may choose two of these topics:
- Teaching Between Worlds: Nurturing Public Faith – Rebecca L. Davis
- Roots and Fruits of Christian Hospitality – Henry G. Brinton
- Genuine Hospitality: From Serving the Poor to Dismantling Poverty – Jan Edmiston
- Sharing God’s Hospitality with Children – Ellen Vellenga & Carol Jones
- Welcoming the Other: Redefining Inclusion and Diversity – Carl Horton
- Speaking of Welcome – Rodger Nishioka
These will be opportunities to delve into the “deep and wide” of hospitality and to connect your learnings with your ministry practices.
Louisville, Kentucky, is an exciting city and has much to offer the APCE Annual Event guests. The Galt House, our host hotel, sits along the Ohio River, a prime central location for exceptional cultural and culinary experiences, both inside and just moments outside their doors. Authentic Kentucky hospitality will be offered to all APCE guests!
Come and experience an authentic welcome as a child of God and to the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators as we worship and learn together.
You are most welcome!
Louisville 2018 Co-Chairs
Martha Miller & Jo Morris
For more information on all these events, or to register, click here.