Workshop Proposals

An Invitation to Submit a Workshop Proposal for the 2026 APCE Annual Event

January 21 – January 24, 2026
You are invited to consider submitting a workshop proposal for the 2026 APCE Annual Event. Bring your best ideas and unique gifts to explore our event theme: Bridging the Gap Love Self – Love God – Love Neighbor.

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:36-40
In a pluralistic society where people are at odds with each other, anger lingers beneath the surface, and many are paralyzed about how to move forward, we’d like to invite you to conversations about how to bridge the divide that separates us.
Love is not a sedentary word, it requires action. When we ask ourselves whom we love we should also look inward to how we love. Love isn’t something we collect for ourselves, but an action lived out in how we express it to others through serving, understanding, and growing together despite our differences.
We hope to offer a variety of workshops that offer diverse topics, dealing with but not limited to: faith formation and discipleship, spirituality, social justice and mission, leadership, creative arts, recreation, music and worship, and workshops that provide resources for ministry with children, youth, adults of all ages, intergenerational ministry and ministry with those with special needs.

We are looking for workshops that reflect and support the four values of APCE:
– Connecting to one another in ever-widening, grace-filled faith communities
– Enriching lives and the world around us through unique, creative, and disruptive ministries
– Empowering leaders to embrace the complexity and enormity of Christian faith and mission
– Sustaining the gifts of all persons and the vitality of congregations – to thrive, not just survive

We seek workshop presenters who are passionate about what they are doing and who they are serving. We will choose a limited number of workshops that are engaging and interactive, sparking new approaches to educational ministry with all ages. Workshops are needed that offer personal growth opportunities and very practical ideas that can be implemented within a church’s context. We seek workshops that will support those newly involved in faith formation as well as ones that address the needs of the seasoned educator/pastor/volunteer. Workshops that demonstrate interdenominational, intercultural or interfaith relationships, workshops that focus on connecting church to the community it inhabits, and workshops that focus on non-traditional out-of-the-box ministry are encouraged.

All accepted workshops will be presented in-person at the APCE Annual Event in Pittsburgh January 21 – 24, 2026. A select number of workshops will be chosen to be offered in a hybrid format for our AE Online participants.

Suggestions to consider as you design your workshop:
●Give a clear, short title and description of what attendees will learn or experience
●Speak to the theme, scripture, and values noted above OR offer your best ideas related to one of the categories listed in Step 1 of application
●Do not use your workshop to sell a curriculum or learning tool. If you have something amazing to sell, join the Marketplace by emailing

Application Deadline is Friday March 28, 2025
Workshop applications will be considered in April 2025. You will be notified if your workshop is selected for presentation at the 2025 Annual Event by June 1, 2025. All presenters must register for the Annual Event and will receive $100 off the registration for up to two co-leaders (maximum) per workshop. Housing and meals that are not included in the conference registration are the responsibility of presenters; no other compensation is provided.

With anticipation,

Lucy Jefferies & John Ryan
Co-Chairs 2026 APCE Annual Event