Association of Presbyterian Church Educators Hires Organizational Administrator

FOR RELEASE January 9, 2020
Association of Presbyterian Church Educators Hires Organizational Administrator
Louisville, KY  Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Association of Presbyterian Church Educators announces that Gina Struensee, an educator from the North Central region, has been chosen to be APCE’s first part-time Organizational Administrator. In addition to being the “face” of APCE, Gina will assist the association with its member support and communication, funds development, strengthen and build relationships with partners and work with the leadership to develop and implement APCE’s organizational vision. Gina begins her 15-hour a week position on January 15 and will be present at the 2020 APCE Annual Event in Little Rock, Arkansas, January 29 through February 1, 2020.

Gina’s love of APCE and her experience with local churches, APCE regional groups and our national organization give her a broad perspective and clear understanding of APCE. She is skilled in social media and has a strong passion for church ministry and faith formation.  Gina is a Certified Education Associate and brings to APCE over 15 years experience as a Director of Christian Education. She is currently working on her Master of Divinity degree through Dubuque Theological Seminary.

Gina shares that, “APCE has been a significant influence in my call to Christian Education Ministry and has nurtured my journey every step of the way. I am overflowing with joy and excitement to be called as the Organizational Administrator for APCE!”

“We are excited that Gina has accepted a call to serve in this new position,” notes Ken McFayden, Past President and chair of the Search Committee. “The combination of her experiences, skills, collegial style, and commitment to APCE will offer a treasured resource as we continue to serve the church and advance our mission.”

About the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators

APCE is an association made up of those who are serving or have served in educational ministries, as ministers, professional or volunteer educators, or students, in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Reformed Church in America, The Presbyterian Church in Canada, the Moravian Church in America, and the Christian Reformed Church in North America.

The purpose of the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators, Inc. is to advance educational ministries in the Church and increase the ongoing witness of our faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. APCE encourages professional recognition through certification and/or designation, provides opportunities for improvement of professional skills, supports personal enrichment, actively advocates for church education, serves as a channel to and from denominational structures and recognizes achievements and innovative contributions of church educators.


To learn more about APCE and the Organizational Administrator, please contact
Julia Boyce, President-elect