From the Archives: Cradle Roll Revisited

From the Archives: Cradle Roll Revisited

The Cradle Roll Revisited: Ensure that the newest generation is not forgotten by Carol Wehrheim When I was a child, a cradle roll was displayed on the wall just outside the Beginners Sunday School room in my church. A large paper cradle was at the top. From it, on...
Baptism: God’s Sign and Seal

Baptism: God’s Sign and Seal

by Rebecca Davis “Take a moment…in the midst of your fretting over a fussy baby, your nerves of standing in front of the congregation, your worry about family dynamics and the meal after the service, in the midst of all the details of this baptism…take a moment and...
Six Ways Your Church Can Say “Welcome to the Family!” at Baptism

Helping Families Celebrate Baptisms

by Carol Wehrheim Celebrating a child’s baptism anniversary is one way for families to nurture the faith of the child as well as each member of the family. However, I don’t know this from personal experience. I didn’t know my baptismal date until well into adulthood...