Living the Faith at Home

As many of us continue with worship and/or Christian education at home, The Advocate Ministry Team thought these perspectives from Lib Caldwell, long-time APCE leader and friend, provide a timely reminder on the value and importance of nurturing faith at home – it’s...
From the Archives: Living Better, Not Bitter

From the Archives: Living Better, Not Bitter

By: Debby Madden During Lent we will be reposting some excellent articles from our archives aimed at supporting you, the Educator, during this season of reflection, prayer and spiritual renewal. You may find a new idea or two for future Lenten programming, as well....
Who Will Guide Me?

Who Will Guide Me?

By: Lynn Jostes Few texts in the Bible demonstrate the concept of nurture as clearly as Luke’s story of Philip and the Ethiopian official in Acts 8:26-40. For some it’s a story of conversion, for others an example of evangelism, but for me it’s a classic demonstration...
Families and Faith

Families and Faith

By: Robert Keeley Some high school and college students from my church were practicing music with me for a worship service. I thanked Hannah, a college student who was home for Christmas, for joining us. She told me that one of the reasons she picked up the violin in...
Takin’ It on the Road

Takin’ It on the Road

By: Theresa McDonald-Lee Summer camps have long been a part of the traditional matrix of Christian education for the children in Presbyterian churches.  Children would attend Sunday school through the year and head off to a week of camp in the summer, often paid for...
Neighborhood Connections

Neighborhood Connections

By: Andrew Spidahl “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof…” (KJV) These words from Psalm 24 were echoing in my head as I walked through my neighborhood. My wife and I had just recently taken a position as community connectors, and I...
Partners in the Wonder of Nurturing

Partners in the Wonder of Nurturing

By: Larry Schuyler Sarah sat at the table thinking about plans for next quarter’s eighth-grade class at Covenant Reformed Church. The task of contextualizing lesson plans in a creative and relevant way always seemed to be a lonely experience. “I feel like I am...
An Enduring Foundation

An Enduring Foundation

By: Eva Stimson “Education embraces all the ways we seek to understand and embody what it means to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.” (from the Christian Education Task Force, Union Presbyterian Seminary) In November 1914 “after much consideration and prayer,”...
Resources:  Forming Faith

Resources: Forming Faith

By: Mary E. Speedy Check out a wealth of resources, old and new, that will help you explore faith nurture in today’s world. Faith Formation 2020: Designing the Future of Faith Formation, John Roberto. LifelongFaith Associates, 2010. This is a book about hope....
Why We Need A Village

Why We Need A Village

By: Timothy Son “It takes a village to raise a child.” This proverb originates from the Igbo and Yoruba regions of Nigeria, from villages where people come together to take mutual responsibility for ensuring the safety, education, and well-being of a child.  It’s a...