Back-to-School (or Virtual School) Blessing

Many churches mark the back-to-school season with a Blessing of Backpacks for children, families, teachers, and leaders who are returning to the classroom after summer break. This ritual is a tangible reminder that God is present everywhere and accompanies us in every...

Maundy Thursday: Ideas for Worship at Home

by British Hyrams Maundy Thursday is the first of three Holy Week rituals following Palm Sunday and culminating on Easter Sunday. Maundy means “commandment.” Maundy Thursday acknowledges the new commandment that Jesus gave his disciples at the feast of the Last...
Easter Greetings from the Advocate!

Easter Greetings from the Advocate!

By Ann Weems               I think on Easter morning we should throw confetti in church! No? What about a little fanfare? A deafening drum roll? A three-minute standing ovation? What?  Have we had the drums beaten out of us That we in the celebrative community can’t...
A Prayer for Holy Week

A Prayer for Holy Week

A Holy Week Prayer for Educators Lord, we are ready to walk with you to Easter. Unless we are not. We have services planned, events prepared. Unless we do not. Our hearts are ready for the up and down, the cross and tomb, the sorrow and joy. Unless they are not....
Visual Reflection for Advent: Is there any hope?

Visual Reflection for Advent: Is there any hope?

In my worship community, we use art and art-making in worship as another layer of preaching and liturgy. On this day, I offer the piece before reading the text and invite folks to consider and answer aloud: What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? This...
A Prayer Reflection for Easter

A Prayer Reflection for Easter

By: A Prayer Reflection for Easter They went to the tomb and he was not there. In his place, a mound of discarded clothes and a young man. This wasn’t what they expected. So much in these past days had not been what they expected. A festive arrival in the old city. An...
From the Archives: Teach Us to Pray

From the Archives: Teach Us to Pray

By: Debra Rienstra During Lent we will be reposting some excellent articles from our archives aimed at supporting you, the Educator, during this season of reflection, prayer and spiritual renewal. You may find a new idea or two for future Lenten programming, as well....
Advent 4 and Christmas: Love

Advent 4 and Christmas: Love

By: Joyce Vance Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas: We blow out the candle of fear and light the candle of love. Lectionary texts: Isaiah 9:2-7; Luke 2:1-20 A child has been born! During the time of preparation, expectant parents have both joy and fear; hope and...
Advent 4 and Christmas: Love

Advent 3: Advent Joy

By: Tammy Wiens Third Sunday of Advent: We blow out the candle of bitterness and light the candle of joy. Lectionary texts: Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; Luke 1:46-55 Mary’s song in Luke 1 is known as The Magnificat. This title grows out of a Latin tradition where titles...
Advent 4 and Christmas: Love

Advent 2: Advent Peace

By: Jill Ver Steeg We blow out the candle of confrontation and light the candle of peace. Lectionary Texts: Isaiah 40:1-11, Mark 1:1-8 The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. This is Mark’s way of saying “Genesis.” This is the genesis of all...