Lessons Learned from Virtual VBS

As churches have made adjustments to their regular Christian education programming since the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Advocate blog (and APCE leaders) have offered suggestions for program adjustments. We thought we’d follow up with one congregation who...

What Will You Offer This Summer?

by Beth Herrinton-Hodge Standing on the edge of summer, while many of our churches have not returned to “in person” gatherings, we continue to wrestle with questions about engaging with our families, children, and church communities. Many “tried and true” activities...
Choosing the “Perfect” VBS Curriculum for Your Church

Choosing the “Perfect” VBS Curriculum for Your Church

It’s that time of year again. If your email inbox is anything like mine, you’ve received lots of colourful reminders that it’s time to pick a VBS curriculum for your church. It is at once a delightful and trying exercise. How do you determine which of the many options...