개혁 신학 기초

미국장로교 내에서 개혁 신학에 관해 더 배우기 원하십니까? 이 온라인 세미나에 참여하셔서

John Yu 목사를 통해 배우십시오.

Basics of Reformed Theology

Would you like to learn more about Reformed Theology in the PCUSA? Join this online webinar to learn more from Rev. John Yu.

Growing in God’s Love: Curriculum Webinar

Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible Curriculum is a children's curriculum based on the beloved Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible.
Presenter: Katie Snyder, Curriculum Specialist and POINT Coordinator, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation
Register, now! Registration limited to 100 participants.

For Beautiful Black Boys Who Believe In A Better World: A Conversation with the author

Inspired by real-life events, this honest, intimate look at one family’s response to racism and gun violence includes a discussion guide created by the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville, Kentucky, a multicultural center and museum committed to promoting respect, hope, and understanding.

Michael W. Waters is an award-winning author, activist, professor, and pastor.

Webinar: Conversation with the Author: Laura Alary


WONDERFUL STORIES UNFOLD AFTER EASTER . . . Join us on April 22 at 6pm to learn about Laura Alary’s new book Breathe. “This Pentecost story is like none other I’ve encountered: brilliant, paced like an autumn wind with moments of stillness to sit with breath and moments that sweep us up in that holy […]

Curriculum Webinar – Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living


APCE is hosting a webinar about a new curriculum for your whole church coming July 2021. Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living focuses on studying the Bible through the lens of faith practices. At this webinar we will be taking an in-depth look at this curriculum and how you might use it with your […]