Outside the Box Ministries in Action

Help us tell your stories of Outside the Box ministries building disciples in the areas of retreat, mission, and justice! You may be doing it or know exactly who is!  As educators we love learning from the ingenuity of others, so let’s share the dreams that you have turned into creative ministries.

3-6 Videos will be featured at the 2020 APCE Annual Event in Little Rock, January 29 – February 1.   Additionally, other Outside the Box ministry videos will be shared through APCE’s social media platforms.

APCE would like to feature ministries across our partner denominations and from churches and communities small and large.


  • Video about a Ministry related to 2020 Theme:
  • Getting Outside the Box: Discipleship through Retreat, Mission & Justice Ministries
  • Two and half minutes or less in length
  • Polished but not professionally made promotional material. Example: APCE 2020 Local Reveal Video
  • Visual and active—not all talking heads
  • Eye catching, inspirational, and informational
  • Permission to post across APCE platforms.
  • Submitted no later than Oct. 15th to 2020outsidethebox@gmail.com
  • Submission formats include .mp4 format or a third party service such as YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Contact will be made with those whose submissions will be shown at the Annual Event and you will be notified when they will be shared.
  • One event registration discount will be given for each of the video chosen

For Questions contact Miatta Wilson at 2020outsidethebox@gmail.com


APCE wishes to thank the following organizations and entities for their generous support:


APCE wishes to acknowledge the following organizations and entities as our current vendor partners: