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Living Water The Sacraments from a Child’s Perspective

Workshop from APCE Annual Event 2024. In Hebrews 12 we read that faith is a lifelong race. Come explore the traditional meaning of the sacraments and how, putting those theological understandings into language children can understand, can create lifelong disciples. When adults and children understand that baptism is our “saying yes” to the race, the […]

This content is only available for those who Participate in the 2024 APCE Annual Event.  The content will be public Feb. 1, 2025. If you were a participant and are getting this message, please try logging into the website.  After you log into the website, if you still get this message and you think you should have access, please email

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Planning Our Escape – Putting Together Your Next Retreat

Workshop from APCE Annual Event 2024   Regardless of the age groups served by your ministry, getting away for a retreat is so important. The setting is an incredible place for fellowship and Christian education. This workshop will look at the logistics that go into planning a retreat for youth, adult, and intergenerational groups. The […]

This content is only available for those who Participate in the 2024 APCE Annual Event.  The content will be public Feb. 1, 2025.

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What’s the Mission Youth Thirsting for Justice

Workshop from APCE Annual Event 2024   How do we describe the “mission” of the church to our young people? When we go on the annual youth mission trip, what are we hoping to accomplish? Join Bill Buchanan, Executive Director of the non-profit ministry Youth Mission Co (YMCo), along with other YMCo staff, as we […]

This content is only available for those who Participate in the 2024 APCE Annual Event.  The content will be public Feb. 1, 2025.

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Innovative Practices in Children’s Ministry

Workshop from APCE Annual Event 2024 As educators, we are thirsty for new ways to nurture faith. Yet, we would also like to know that the ideas we hear about have been tested and refined. We want to understand how a practice works and the reasons behind various components. And we wonder how to make […]

This content is only available for those who Participate in the 2024 APCE Annual Event.  The content will be public Feb. 1, 2025.

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Water in the Desert of Transition

Workshop from APCE Annual Event 2024 Sustaining ministries for a church in the throes of pastoral transition can be tricky, draining, and quite confusing. This workshop provides participants with a birds-eye view of the transitional process as it pertains to the Presbyterian Church (USA). Using real-life illustrations from congregations in transition, participants will learn the […]

This content is only available for those who Participate in the 2024 APCE Annual Event.  The content will be public Feb. 1, 2025.

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Faithfully Navigating Sexuality Education for Your Congregation

Workshop from APCE Annual Event 2024 This workshop will both explore the essentials of a faithful sexuality program with youth and create a model plan for each person’s own congregation. Participants will consider research on the positive effects of sexuality education in the church and then will collaborate on ways to integrate this aspect of […]

This content is only available for those who Participate in the 2024 APCE Annual Event.  The content will be public Feb. 1, 2025.

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Wonders of Worship

Workshop from APCE Annual Event 2024 If you were given a million dollars to enhance the participation of children in corporate worship or to nurture their prayer lives, what would you do? The Wonder of Worship Project through Columbia Theological Seminary (CTS) answers that question with ways that your congregation can partner with CTS to […]

This content is only available for those who Participate in the 2024 APCE Annual Event.  The content will be public Feb. 1, 2025.

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Creating Worship Art on a Shoestring Budget

Workshop from APCE Annual Event 2024 This workshop will examine several different techniques for creating worship environments that cost very little money, if any. We will also explore ways to acquire supplies and materials at very low costs. There will be time allowed for a small hands-on project that will demonstrate how easy it is […]

This content is only available for those who Participate in the 2024 APCE Annual Event.  The content will be public Feb. 1, 2025.

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The Holy Spirit – More Than Pentecost – Lots More!

Workshop from APCE Annual Event 2024 When three long-time church educators agreed to work on the Holy Spirit section of Opening Doors to Discipleship, they had no idea the adventure the Spirit would take them on. From the waters of thirst to the fire of inspiration, we invite you to join us on that adventure […]

This content is only available for those who Participate in the 2024 APCE Annual Event.  The content will be public Feb. 1, 2025.

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