- This article from Building Faith by Ardelle Walters describes her journey into more intentional ways of self-care, and includes simple practices and rituals that can be incorporated into a daily routine. These practices can be affirming and life-giving for leaders who are often called to care for others. These practices align closely with the Sabbath practices in the article by Deacon Kathy Paisley also featured in this month’s resources.
- Come Away My Beloved is a Tending the Soul Retreat offered in person and online by the Christos Center on March 18. The invitation is to consider whose we are and who we are, during a quiet time with guided reflections. The facilitator is Mariann Stangeland, a spiritual director. Christos Center for Spiritual Formation is a community of individuals who practice and teach contemplative spirituality. There are many online and in person offerings throughout the year.
- This is a list of recorded webinars from Practical Resources for Churches with a wide variety of topics and offerings. Relationships are Key in a Post Pandemic Church is a webinar that emphasizes connections and community, and includes creating space for oneself, and strengthening relationships with neighbors and partners. Other webinars in this catalog are useful for exploring balance in ministry, and engaging in spiritual practices.
- Sabbath Keeping –– An article by Kathryn Paisley, CEN Member
- Activities to Keep the Sabbath Day Holy