This past year’s topic is for “Christian Education Network of the ELCA Presents… Learning Strategies for Intergenerational Ministry through the Seasons,” along with so many other things in 2020, has needed to be adapted as we deal with a global pandemic and racial relations and tensions that have been brought to the forefront of our lives and ministries.
- A Change of Plans by Diane McGeoch, CENetwork of the ELCA Board Member
- Milestone Ministry has a new End of School, Graduation, and Social Distancing Milestone, available as free downloads on their website.
- This video from the Northeastern Minnesota Synod focuses on 2020 high school seniors.
- This article from Fuller Youth Institute is about high school graduations.
- For Everything a Season: 75 Blessings for Life’s Milestones by the Nilsen family has rituals for turning ordinary events into sacred time, easily adaptable for home settings. This is the Kindle edition.
A Gentle Regathering: Practical Resources for Tending to Grief & Loss
- Guidance on home rituals at the time of death of a loved one
- The Pandemic of Grief – An Article from the Center for Loss and Life Transition
- We’re Never Getting Back to Normal, America
- What Does it Mean to be the Church when We Can’t Be Together?
- Easter Egg Hunt Reimagined in Times of COVID-19 by Carole Joyce, Deacon (CENetwork board member)
- Bible Studies from the ELCA
- Coronavirus Conversations Milestone Moment from our friends at Milestone Ministry
- Pandemic Hope Devotional – 8 week Devotional for Families from our friends at Faith Inkubators.