Why You Should Come to Denver for the Annual Event 2017

Why You Should Come to Denver for the Annual Event 2017

By: Bill Davis and Sandy Safford If I had a wagon, I would go to Colorado, Go to Colorado…..Where a man can walk a mile high. If I had a Chevy, I would drive to Colorado, Drive to Colorado….Where a man can walk a mile high. If I had an airplane, I would fly to...
Why You Should Come to Denver for the Annual Event 2017

2017 APCE Annual Event: God With Us in the Chaos

By: Julie Gvillo and Barbi Smith Chaos.  It has existed since the beginning of time, when God brought chaos into order through creation.  For many, the opposite of chaos is order; but for some, it is peace. Chaos continues to exist and haunt us. Meetings to attend,...
Pop Culture and Faith Formation

Pop Culture and Faith Formation

By: John Vest In my Ed Talk at the 2016 APCE Annual Event in Chicago, I showed a clip from the original Star Wars movie and the trailer for the newest film, The Force Awakens. I used these clips to illustrate my point that faith formation and spiritual growth are...
A Message from the President

A Message from the President

By: Von Clemans In his classic book The Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster says, “The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people.” Our calling as educators can lead us at times to focus on...