Retired Educators’ Connections

Retired Educators’ Connections

A time for informal conversation to stay connected to long-time friends and make new ones. If you would like to participate, please email for the zoom link.
Strategic Plan Town Hall Meeting

Strategic Plan Town Hall Meeting

Join us on Tuesday afternoon (4:00 pm ET) to learn about the APCE Strategic Plan! We are eager to share with you the exciting changes ahead as APCE seeks to best serve those involved in ministries of Christian education. You can find the link for the Zoom in the email...
South Atlantic and Puerto Rico (SOAP) Regional Event

South Atlantic and Puerto Rico (SOAP) Regional Event

Session 1- The Church is one of the only places in society where all six living generations gather and commune. How is that challenging? How is that a miracle?
Session 2 – What does society need right now that the Church can uniquely offer?

Ministry Outside the Box Class

Ministry Outside the Box Class

You know the way we’ve always done it isn’t working anymore, but how do we dream new dreams that actually work?  How do we get the committee and congregation to see this too?  In this 3-session workshop on how to assess your current offerings, consider...
September 2024 Book Club

September 2024 Book Club

September 19- The Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs Do you find yourself awash in pages and pages of professional reading but very little reading for your soul, for your self-care, for your well of well being? Then look NO FURTHER!  APCE has just launched a...
August 2024 Book Club

August 2024 Book Club

PLEASE NOTE THE DATE CHANGE TO Sept 5th  The Reading List Do you find yourself awash in pages and pages of professional reading but very little reading for your soul, for your self-care, for your well of well being? Then look NO FURTHER!  APCE has just launched a Book...
Embracing Neurodiversity Class

Embracing Neurodiversity Class

Class description: Embracing Neurodiversity in your Ministry and Church. In our ministries we are seeing more and more students who have ADHD, Dyslexia, and Autism. When we create spaces to welcome those on the spectrum of neurodiversity, everyone benefits. Giving...

Retired Educators’ Connections

  A time for informal conversation to stay connected to long-time friends and make new ones. If you would like to participate, please email for the zoom link.

Retired Educators’ Connections

  A time for informal conversation to stay connected to long-time friends and make new ones. If you would like to participate, please email for the zoom link.