Is your Sunday School hour for children and families thriving or dying? How involved and enthusiastic are your children and families about your regular worship services? During COVID, we took the opportunity for change to begin a new program that would reach more children and families who wanted to be together on Sunday mornings. Family Worship is first and foremost child and parent friendly. That means the worship content is developmentally appropriate for all ages, specifically focusing on younger children. This is a service where all are welcome and children feel free to move about and parents do not feel judged. Children and parents engage in the liturgy through singing, prayers, retelling scripture, storytelling, sacraments, sensory activities, and a fellowship time with a snack. The worship moves through fun-loving and relaxed tones to thoughtful and deep moments. Come and experience a Family Worship service and learn how to incorporate into your own faith formation and worship contexts.
Family Worship: A Recipe for Sunday Morning
Room: Galaxie
Speaker: Brittany Williams,David Carter Florence