In today’s society, where the demands of organized sports often collide with ministry programming, finding harmony between the two can be challenging. This workshop delves into the intersection of ministry with college students and young adults with athletics. One key focus is to explore how the Church can be a presence in the lives of young athletes and the athletic world. Participants will learn about the vital role of chaplains and a ministry presence in the sports community, whether you know everything about sports or nothing at all. Attendees will gain practical insights into athletic chaplaincy and how it can positively impact the lives of young athletes, fostering personal growth, resilience, and a sense of purpose both on and off the field. We also explore how to incorporate elements of athletic chaplaincy into your ministry. Perhaps we no longer have to wrestle with ministry versus athletics!
Put Me In, Coach! Nurturing Faith in the Beloved Community of Athletics
Room: Magnolia
Speaker: L. British Hyrams