Advent is coming!

Let’s get ready!

These four wonder-filled articles featured in the Advocate over the past few weeks are designed to help you prepare for the season of Advent. If you missed out on reading them before now, we invite you to grab a tea or coffee and enjoy the wise and informattive reflections found in our series of articles on Advent.

How Do We Live in Advent Hope?

The hope of Advent seems distant and unattainable. How do we live in hope when it’s not here yet? Perhaps this Advent we are called to a more robust version of hope.

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Advent: What Are We Waiting For

Advent is coming. No, really, Advent means “the coming” from its Latin roots. This begs the question of who is coming. Of course, we are likely to answer, “Jesus,” but here is where it gets complicated.

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Advent Practices During Covid Time

Zephaniah 3:17-18 assures us that even though we are feeling exiled and broken, God is rejoicing over us, renewing us, and restoring us with “loud singing.” I love this idea of God singing loudly with us.

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Lifting Up and Celebrating God’s Promises

“My whole being hopes, and I wait for God’s promise.” As we turn to Advent’s hope, the promise of God’s gift of incarnation, the words of the prophets harmonize with the psalmist’s cry.

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We’re looking forward to featuring four new articles on our upcoming APCE Annual Event starting on October 17, 2021.