Roberta Dodds-Ingersoll – Sustain Lifetime Achievement Award 2025

When leading church-related workshops, Roberta Dodds Ingersoll introduces herself by saying, “I am a Presbyterian’s Presbyterian. I am a Presbyterian preacher’s kid; was baptized, confirmed, and married in Presbyterian churches; graduated from, and worked at Presbyterian College (1974) and the Presbyterian School of Christian Education (1979); was on staff in three Presbyterian churches, am married to a Presbyterian pastor and am the mother of two Presbyterian double preacher’s kids.”

Though thoroughly Presbyterian, Roberta also has an ecumenical heart. She received her M.Div. from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University (1996), where though she won the homiletics award, her first love remained Christian Education. She has embraced the recent name change of APCE, reflecting its more ecumenical and connectional nature. She began her educational ministry as the DCE at Broadmoor Presbyterian Church in Shreveport, Louisiana, (1979-1983), during which time she received her certification as a Christian Educator. In 1983, learning she would be confined to bed during pregnancy, she resigned her position. During this season, she was an active volunteer at church and in Presbyterian Women, serving as Grace Presbytery’s Horizon’s Bible Interpreter and chairing several Women’s Conferences. In January 1992, she began work on her M.Div. Upon completion, she was ordained and installed as Associate Pastor (2001-2008) at the First Presbyterian Church of Kilgore. She then ministered as Associate Pastor for Christian Formation at First Presbyterian Church of Libertyville, Illinois (2008-2017).

Over the years Roberta has been active in APCE. She served on the Annual Events Ministry Team for six years, two as secretary and two as moderator. She co-directed APCE’s 2016 Chicago annual event. She has also led numerous workshops at AEs. Currently she serves on the APCE Endowment Ministry Team.