Mid-Atlantic Region Retreat
Join the Mid Atlantic Region for their Fall Gathering Nov 1-3 at Laurel Ridge Camp Conference & Retreat Center. https://form.jotform.com/222433908527155
Join the Mid Atlantic Region for their Fall Gathering Nov 1-3 at Laurel Ridge Camp Conference & Retreat Center. https://form.jotform.com/222433908527155
Come Play at the APCE SOAP Regional Event at Epworth by the Sea on St. Simon's Island, Georgia, November 3 - 5, 2022! The conference fee is $150 (plus food and housing) until Sept. 1 at which time the price increases to $200. https://www.soapapce.org/
Join others in Christian Formation on doing a Blue Christmas because Christmas holiday times is not always the happiest time of the year for everyone. The meeting will be led […]
Join us as we get behind the scenes with a sneak peek of what will be going on during APCE'S Online Annual Event. Hi there, You are invited to a […]
You're attending to everyone else's spiritual life this Advent season, but what about your own? Join fellow educators for 30 minutes of contemplative Advent scripture. Just bring your Bible! Register
Join members of APCE’s Diversity Task Force for a time of sitting with and listening to one another as we engage the contents of the Task Force’s Final Report.
Come get away with us to Birmingham, Alabama, January 25-28, for the 2023 APCE Annual Event, “Unforced Rhythms of Grace”.
2023 Event Brochure Eastern APCE 2023 Spring Event April 24-26, 2023 Speaker: Dr. Rebecca L. Davis Rhodes Grove Conference Center Chambersburg, PA Mark your calendar.
Led by: Dr. Cindy Kissel-Ito, Associate Professor of Christian Education and Master of Arts in Christian Education Program DirectorJune 5- July 28, 2023 This intensive course will explore historical and […]
Synod School is a wonderful week of learning, fellowship and fun in a Christian community held annually the last full week of July. It is held every summer at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa, by the Synod of Lakes and Prairies. For more information, including how to register, please go to https://lakesandprairies.org/engaging-leaders/synod-school/.