You won’t want to miss the SCRAPCE Fall Event – with David Lamotte! The theme is “Stumbling Toward the Light Changing the World” Join us at Austin Seminary from Sept 30 – Oct 2, 2024 – make sure to mark your calendars now! Stumbling...
Join with fellow educators as Tori Smit, Regional Minister for Faith Formation Synod of Central, Northeastern Ontario and Bermuda, offers tips, insights and tools on choosing curriculum fitting for your time and space in your ministry! You will leave this roundtable...
APCE Retired Educators’ Connection Dates. Join for a time to connect and grow together in the season of life of being retired. Email for zoom link and more info.
I am grateful to New Hope Presbytery’s ConnetEd group, especially to Mary Todd Peters who introduced me to APCE and Gary Wires who made me feel welcomed at my very first APCE Annual Event in Baltimore, MD. Because of them, I came to APCE. Because of many...
Once upon a time, emboldened by 19 years in educational ministry in tiny to very large churches and a whole lot of APCE meetings, a Certified Christian Educator in the PC (U.S.A.) was appointed to the “Workgroup on the Role and Status of Christian Educators.” Two...
Dorothy Brown Henderson, APCE Educator of the Year 2005, sought to reinvent herself in retirement. After serving as a long-time educator in the Presbyterian Church in Canada and authoring resources and curricula for church programs, Henderson is now a full-time...
By: The APCE Advocacy Team We have all been there—or will be some day. You are dry-mouthed, nervously seated before a group of church members you have never met before who have the title of Director/Minister of Christian Education Search Committee. After some...
By: Krista Lovell “I love to tell the story, ‘twill be my theme in glory, to tell the old, old story of Jesus and his love.” Raised by Christian parents who were Baptist-Presbyterians, I was offered many opportunities to share God’s story with others in a variety of...