Darkness Into Light

Darkness Into Light

By: Pressley Cox “The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out.” John 1: 5  The Message Fires, floods, hurricanes, shootings, wars, and rumors of wars!  There is much darkness in the world.  How do churches prepare people to meet...
Room in the Inn: Serving Our Neighbors on Christmas Day

Room in the Inn: Serving Our Neighbors on Christmas Day

By: British Hyrams Among the people I polled, their descriptions of Christmas 2017 included the following: Wonderful! Out of the ordinary. One of the best! On par with ALL of them (emphasis added). Of particular note is that these volunteers were referring to their...
The Transformative Power of Youth Mission Trips

The Transformative Power of Youth Mission Trips

By: Jann Treadwell All of us want to make a difference in the lives of others. This can occur as we follow Christ’s mandate to serve those in need. That said, youth leaders hope service projects also will make a difference in the faith and lives of our own youth, not...
What is the “Mission” of our Youth Mission Trips?

What is the “Mission” of our Youth Mission Trips?

By: Bill Buchanan After 9 years, we at Youth Mission Co have come to a conclusion.  We no longer lead youth mission trips. There have been many critiques about short term mission trips with teenagers.  There are stories of young people who travel far away, excited to...
Mission and Christian Education: True Partners

Mission and Christian Education: True Partners

By: Joyce MacKichan Walker Over my forty years of serving churches as a volunteer, Ruling Elder, Certified Christian Educator, and now as a Teaching Elder, I have always known and claimed the importance of educational ministry and mission working hand-in-hand....