By: Pressley Cox “The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out.” John 1: 5 The Message Fires, floods, hurricanes, shootings, wars, and rumors of wars! There is much darkness in the world. How do churches prepare people to meet...
By: British Hyrams Among the people I polled, their descriptions of Christmas 2017 included the following: Wonderful! Out of the ordinary. One of the best! On par with ALL of them (emphasis added). Of particular note is that these volunteers were referring to their...
By: Jann Treadwell All of us want to make a difference in the lives of others. This can occur as we follow Christ’s mandate to serve those in need. That said, youth leaders hope service projects also will make a difference in the faith and lives of our own youth, not...
By: Miatta Wilson Miss Abney sits hunched over in her wheelchair falling asleep as the fifth grade boys approach her in the circle and begin tossing a balloon and speaking to her. Soon she looks up bright eyed and bats it back with gusto, as the aide explains that...
By: Bill Buchanan After 9 years, we at Youth Mission Co have come to a conclusion. We no longer lead youth mission trips. There have been many critiques about short term mission trips with teenagers. There are stories of young people who travel far away, excited to...
By: Joyce MacKichan Walker Over my forty years of serving churches as a volunteer, Ruling Elder, Certified Christian Educator, and now as a Teaching Elder, I have always known and claimed the importance of educational ministry and mission working hand-in-hand....