Faithful Conversations About End-of-Life Inequality

CANCELLED We are sorry for the change, but due to a death in the leader’s family, this workshop has been cancelled. Please feel free to choose any other workshop. Disparities in care at the end of life continue in the U.S. healthcare system, which historically...

Expanding Our Worship

The central element of most churches’ lives and any gathering of Christians is our worship — praise and prayer, singing and celebrating, preaching and teaching. Unfortunately, it’s also the place where our habits and traditions can exclude people,...

Digital Storytelling: Exploring Faith Formation Through Digital Media

Are you thirsty for innovative ways to enrich faith formation? Bring your thirst and explore easy ways to use digital media to enrich and enable storytelling. Digital storytelling combines the art of telling stories with a variety of multimedia. Using digital...

Creating a Spirituality Center

Looking for a guided time in the Spirituality Center? Join this year’s creator of the space for a conversation around how to set up and use spaces such as this.

Act Your Size! Congregational Size and Ministry Effectiveness

One of the most important ways to understand your congregation is by its size. More important than theology or denomination, understanding the implications of your size has a direct bearing on your programming, your decision making, and your ministry. This workshop...

Come to the Deep Wells of Middle Eastern Hope

Do you need a boost of hope in your ministry or personal life? Come be filled with hope as Middle East Christian Educators reflect on the challenges of their ministries. Come be reminded of the place where Christianity was birthed and first shared with others. Come...

Your Year of Youth Ministry in a Box

Running a successful youth ministry takes a lot of planning and organizing! There are forms, procedures, policies, and flyers needed for everything. What if all of that was right at your finger tips? We’ve created Youth Ministry in a Box: everything you need for...

Thirsty for Gathering that Matters

We’re gathering in-person again, but as we move further away from the pandemic, do our gatherings feel different? Should they feel different, or is getting together like we used to the goal? In her book, The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why it Matters,...

Upcoming Trends in Faith Formation

The Assoication of United Church Educators (AUCE) Board of Directors will share projections of upcoming trends in faith formation. The AUCE Board has been tracking community (as faith formation), inter-generational practices, and increasing call for lay training,...