Quenching Spiritual Thirst of Your Congregation

We all thirst to be closer to God. One way to satisfy this thirst is to find ways that connect us to God through spiritual practices that we enjoy doing. Spirituality Centers are wonderful at retreats, APCE Conferences, and other special settings. But, we do not...

Psalms that Refresh

Are you thirsty for time for your soul? Are you seeking space and time to prepare your heart and your hands for leading others through the season of Lent? Then come participate in an interactive art experience. Visio Divina is a spiritual practice of sacred seeing. It...

Living Water – The Sacraments from a Child’s Perspective

In Hebrews 12 we read that faith is a lifelong race. Come explore the traditional meaning of the sacraments and how, putting those theological understandings into language children can understand, can create lifelong disciples. When adults and children understand that...

Finishing Well: Gracefully Exiting Ministry Leadership

Presbyterians spend a lot of time and energy onboarding vocational and volunteer ministry leaders – we’re really good at training, credentialing, and orienting folks at the outset of their respective journeys. However, when it comes to “offboarding,” we don’t...

Faithfully Navigating Sexuality Education for Your Congregation

This workshop will both explore the essentials of a faithful sexuality program with youth and create a model plan for each person’s own congregation. Participants will consider research on the positive effects of sexuality education in the church and then will...

Embracing Neurodiversity (ADHD, Dyslexia, and Autism) in Ministry

In our ministries we are seeing more and more students who have ADHD, Dyslexia, and Autism. As a mother of an autistic daughter and a Children’s Director, I am passionate about embracing neurodiversity in the Church. When we create spaces to welcome those on the...

Demystifying Young Adult Ministry

Who is nurturing your young adults in their faith formation when they go off to college or begin a trade? Learn how you can be more engaged in the lives of students during these formative years and commit to investing in these emerging church leaders now. This...

Caring for Creation Together

This workshop will introduce participants to the basics of community organizing with the purpose of organizing houses of worship to work together to build a critical mass of buildings and projects to negotiate the best rates and prices for transitioning to renewable...