The Care Partner Toolkit: Helping Congregations Serve Caregivers

Pat Baker (POAMN) and Renda Brinson (APCE) co-produced the Care-Partner Toolkit with the contributions of other experts in the field of caregiving. Included in this Toolkit are numerous Quicksheets with information, ideas, and resource links that will assist...

PW/Horizons Bible Study Workshop: The Bible and Environmental Justice

According to Scripture, the earth and its members belong to God. We are called to care for creation, not only because God loves it, but also because a healthy creation supports human well-being. While the biblical writers knew nothing of modern forms of environmental...

Putting Prayer into Action with Advocacy and Social Justice

Is your congregation thirsting for justice? Do you find charity and mission easy and struggle to figure out how to add justice or advocacy? Are some in your congregation not sure politics belongs in church? Do you want to help build the beloved community but are not...

Planning Our Escape: Putting Together Your Next Retreat

Regardless of the age groups served by your ministry, getting away for a retreat is so important. The setting is an incredible place for fellowship and Christian education. This workshop will look at the logistics that go into planning a retreat for youth, adult, and...

Infants in Worship: Helps for Worship Planners and Parents

Many young parents struggle with worship when they have infants in tow. Worshiping with your infant grows your own faith and lays the foundation for forming the child’s faith. This workshop provides a Biblical foundation for infants being present in worship, offers a...

Ex-Nihilo – Creating a Lesson or Study When No Curriculum Exists

Do you have an idea for a faith study you would like to lead but no curriculum already exists? Come learn about a process to transform your idea into the reality of a multi-week study or single lesson, which is reformed, multi-sensory, and engaging. Whether your...

Empowering Parents and Caregivers (for Household Faith Formation)

What if I told you that thousands of parents DO value spiritual formation as a vital part of raising their children? You might laugh an exasperated chuckle and gesture around at the many families who are no longer coming to worship on Sunday morning. You might find it...

Art as Community Building

Come and explore the conference theme through different creative, artistic expressions. Each of the options can then be used to generate discussion about how we live into justice, life, kindness, and joy as a people of faith.

You Can Write! – Devotional Writing for Beginners

“Come, all who are thirsty” to the Living Water found in the Living Word of God. Devotionals rooted in God’s Word help satisfy our thirsty souls and offer opportunities for us to engage with God through personal worship. Writing devotionals for others deepens our...

What’s the Mission? Youth Thirsting for Justice

How do we describe the “mission” of the church to our young people? When we go on the annual youth mission trip, what are we hoping to accomplish? Join Bill Buchanan, Executive Director of the non-profit ministry Youth Mission Co (YMCo), along with other YMCo staff,...