Advent 1: Advent Hope

Advent 1: Advent Hope

By: Jen deCombe First Sunday of Advent: We blow out the candle of despair and in its place we light the candle of hope. Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 64:1-9, Mark 13:24-37 This year’s first Gospel reading of the Advent season comes as a shock to many of us. Unlike...
A Prayer for Educators

A Prayer for Educators

By: Holly Inglis Most amazing God, we pause in the midst of all that we are doing to soak in your grace and love for us. As we prepare for another year of ministry, you know there are many things on our to-do lists, some of which may not get done or may be postponed...
A Prayer for Educators

A Prayer for Election Week

By: Beth Herrinton-Hodge As we stand on the eve of Election Day in the United States, words from our weekly lectionary readings give messages of courage, steadfastness, strength in God and in Jesus Christ – the source of our life and our hope. Take courage. Stand...
Prayer after a Mission Trip

Prayer after a Mission Trip

By: Seth Lovell God of all creation, Your presence is known and felt in every corner of the globe. As we answered the call to serve as your hands and feet in the world we found that we did not need to take action for you to go with us; you have gone before, and you...
A Prayer for Vacation Bible School

A Prayer for Vacation Bible School

By: Beth Herrinton-Hodge Abundant and Energetic God, You fill your world with a season of summer delights. Sunshine, warm breezes, a slower pace to enjoy your creation. Fill us with the joy of this season. We gather around your Word in the midst of our summer. May our...
A Prayer for Educators

A Holy Week Prayer for Church Educators

By: Emily Enders Odom O God, most holy and faithful, Upheld by your strength, we have fasted, prayed, planned, and worked throughout these forty days. Having now moved beyond the confession and contrition of Ash Wednesday; past the parades and pageantry, the colt and...