She sat in the middle of the crowd of about 100 students at a distinguished Christian university in Southern California. Following my keynote remarks titled “The Gospel and the Politics of Race,” she raised her hand sheepishly and asked the ten million dollar...
Theme reflection by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity from A Sanctified Art LLC “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” (Luke 10:1). Jesus commissions seventy followers with these words, inviting them to be peace-bearers in new lands. Perhaps we might utter a...
Theme reflection by Theresa Cho Depending on what translation you read, Luke 10:1–11 is either titled “The Sending of the Seventy” or “the Seventy-Two”—leaving many commentaries to refer to this passage as “. . . Seventy(-Two).” The parentheses are significant because...
Annual Event Theme reflection by John Bell I am constantly bemused by the word retreat because it has two distinct meanings which are predicated on the preposition which follows it. We can either retreat from or retreat for. In the course of a year, I...
APCE is pleased to offer several scholarships to attend each year’s Annual Event, and for Certification Courses offered at the AE and the PC(USA) General Assembly. For more information and for Application forms, visit APCE is pleased to offer several scholarships to...
Year after year, there are so many wonderful aspects to the Association of Presbyterian Church Educator’s Annual Event—old and new friends, helpful workshops, and inspiring worship and plenaries. Little Rock 2020 promises to offer all of these vital benefits, plus...
Val Murphy Scholarships are financial awards given each year to allow persons to attend APCE’s Annual Event. The scholarships are given to honor E. Valeria Murphy, former APCE Cabinet member who served as an educator in a Presbyterian church from 1947 to 1963....
Val Murphy Scholarships are financial awards given each year to allow persons to attend APCE’s Annual Event. The scholarships are given to honor E. Valeria Murphy, former APCE Cabinet member who served as an educator in a Presbyterian church from 1947 to 1963. Val...
“Worship and Sacraments” Educator Certification course participants at the 2019 Annual Event Grace and Gratitude in Galveston by Erin Dickerson As educators and ministry professionals, we often forget that we not only have a responsibility for the faith...
During the 2019 APCE Annual Event in Galveston, Dr. Michael Waschevski taught an educator certification course on Worship and Sacraments. The group reflected on the role, issues, and opportunities involving music in our worshiping communities. The following article...