Governance Ministry Team

The purpose of the Governance Ministry Team is to present a slate of candidates to serve as officers of APCE, to fill vacancies on ministry teams in a timely manner, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the Coordinating Council. The Governance Team also determines qualifications and characteristics needed by members of ministry teams, focusing on APCE’s goal of diversifying membership on ministry teams. The overall goals of the Governance Ministry Team are to increase diversity, engage younger members, identify potential leaders, measure performance, and strengthen relationships across the organization.
The key responsibilities of the Governance Ministry Team are:
- Communicate the process for identifying and electing qualified candidates in a transparent and timely manner.
- Ensuring a pipeline for potential candidates is accessible as possible.
- Overseeing the process of nominating officers
- Identifying, screening, and reviewing members of ministry teams
- Annually reviewing the size and composition of the Coordinating Council and the Ministry Teams
- Self-evaluation of the role and performance of the Coordinating Council, ministry teams, advisory bodies, and management at least every three years.
The Governance Team should consist of nine members, three of who are alumnae of Coordinating Council or former Cabinet members. Members serve in a three year rotation. The team meets in person at the Annual Event and virtually on a regular basis.
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Check out the operational guidelines for additional details.